About Fly High Foundation
Fly High Foundation was established in 2022 by UKRAINIANS Stanislav Medvedenko (former LA Lakers player) and Mykola Vasylkov (sports journalist) to unite people from all over the world around the problem of rehabilitation children who affected the most from active hostilities of full-scale war Russia in Ukraine.
Through active leisure, sports and support of professional psychologists we strive to return Ukrainian kids to a happy life and help them overcome current difficulties, find friends and enjoy life. We want to return physical activity to their daily lives through restoring the destroyed sports infrastructure of Ukrainians schools and launch a network of social sports clubs.
You can help us make it happen!
Stanislav Medvedenko
NBA champion with LA Lakers

Mykola Vasylkov
Ukrainian sports journalist, blogger
Our objective is to protect Ukrainian kids from the evil that surrounds them today. Unfortunately, many Ukrainian children have become victims of Russian aggression… they lost relatives, homes, friends, spent weeks in the bombing shelters and basments of occupied cities ... It is our duty to help them survive these difficult times and give hope for a happy future here in Ukraine.

Our foundation is open for all kinds of cooperation and incredibly grateful for any help!
Your aid will help to implement our programs aimed at appearing smiles on the faces of Ukrainian kids.
Our partners